Bible Study

Teacher Bro. Terrance R. McClain, PhD
Minister of the University Church of Christ in Cleveland, Ohio
To view the document please click on the link below.

When Re-baptism Is Necessary

Wednesday Night Bible Study

To view the video please click on the lesson title below:
12/11/2024     "A Word to the Rich"
12/4/2024      "Do Not Boast About Tomorrow"#2
11/6/2024     "Do Not Judge Others" #2
10/9/24         "Pride Promotes Discord" #2
10/2/24         "Pride Promotes Discord" #1
9/25/2024  "Godly Wisdom" #2
9/18/2024  "Godly Wisdom" #1
10/11/2023  The "Do Nots" #2
10/4/2023 The "Do Nots" #1
6/14/2023 (Not live streamed)
4/19/2023  "Love One Another"
12/7/2022  "Paul Preaching to the Intellectuals" (Documentation)
                  "Paul Preaching to the Intellectuals" (Video)
11/30/2022  "Upsetting the World for Christ" (Documentation)
                    "Upsetting the World for Christ"  (Video)
                     "Always Praising, Always Trusting, Always Blessed" (Video)
11/16/2022 Rescued by the Risen Jesus (Documentation)
                      Rescued by the Risen Jesus (Video)
11/9/2022 True Conversion (Video)
                   True Conversion (Documentation)
10/5/2022 & 10/19/2022 The Church That Makes an Impact

9/07/2022 Mark's Third Prediction of Christ's Death/Suffering

8/31/2022 Conformed to His Image

8/24/2022  Jesus Wept

8/17/2022 From Worry to Worship

8/10/2022 But the Lord is in His Holy Temple

8/3/2022 Enduring Truth for Enduring Faith

7/27/2022 Where is God When Life Doesn't Maker Sense?

7/20/2022 How God Evangelizes the World

7/13/2022 The Exuberant Joy of God's Salvation

7/06/2022 Stormy Weather